electric service connection
you know of my father, that the electric service entrance was made today. Sorry civil contractors have not set the phone cord into the house, so that we can dig even a little bit on it already.
We had a bit of the Befürchtnis that the connection to the electric does not work today, as was (probably) filled in the company Innotec for deep drilling of the geothermal heat, the open ditches.
But it's all work, so we have now virtually even electricity in the house. The company has a residential line elnet then switched today and immediately installed two boxes in the utility room, from which we can now tap into electricity first.
In terms of third drainage, which was not connected with on Monday, unfortunately we could not achieve anything. But a good Week, we still have time before the 07.12. started in the utility room with tile heating range is and then at 10.12. to heat.
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