Thursday, January 13, 2011

Nintendo Club Earn More Coins

blower door test, discussion of open issues

The year is still fresh in and it goes on the site.
On Tuesday morning, 01/11/2011 has been with us through out the blower-door test. At the same time we had agreed with our construction manager Mr. Ramberg on site to clarify the remaining outstanding issues from last year. On the whole it was about this:
  1. remove existing plaster damage
  2. aside the damage to the casing of the storage tank of heating
  3. inspection and repair of defects in the drywall (as part of small distances between the joints, faulty sections of the sheet-rock some loose boards, etc.)
The addressed shortcomings, especially when dry, will be remedied in the coming week, with us, we convince ourselves again on the ground of freedom of the mold dry construction. In some places are the sheet-rock that is affected. Probably it is because the batten has been damp at the time of installation and the sheetrock was screwed despite the lack of heating. But that will (hopefully). Committed was that we remove sample confinement plates and check how far the infestation has spread. Then this will of course put back in order.

The blower door test, which ran in the meantime, was quite good. Our measured result was 2.2, with the upper limit a value of 3.0. The value obtained is improving but still as soon as the right door panel was set up and the windows are adjusted. Then the value is approximately 1.7 to 1.8 are, which means about 40% below the specified value.

We have also discussed with Mr. Ramberg its further progress. This provides the time like this: In the 3rd

and 4 KW (17.1 .- 28.1.) Be made the tile work. The following week, then to the inner doors and the stairs are delivered and installed. The goal is that we are in mid-February then can perform the handover.

This means that we can in the meantime tile the living room, filling the walls and ceiling (can), and painters. Sometime in between then we move the floor upstairs. Our move we have now for the end Scheduled in February! The apartment will be terminated and thank God we have as of 3/1/2011 a day care center seat for our sunshine!

It is now, therefore, also the move to organize a "sideline". The relocation of the phone as we have already in place led.

still a hard work on the program. We get our tiles! All 109 tiles packages on 3 pallets. And the all want to be taken together with the house. Phew.


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